One Year On

November 10, 2010

Almost to the day and here I am once again with fresh intentions ~     
this time I am going to be a little easier on myself and post when
I want to rather than having to push to photograph each day.
The first few photos are hence going to be a sort of chronicle of
the last year which has been wondrous to say the least. However
I will leave that for my viewers to see and perhaps share a little of
the experiences and sights I’ve seen.

I can’t take credit for this photo
Harley took it near Chiang Mai. He named it :
“this is my dragon, get your own”

Tomorrow we are going to Thailand and already I thought that there will be some excellent photo opportunities whilst we are away. And here I echo my niece Katherine, when I say how is it that there are seemingly endless things to photograph when you are away from your usual surroundings? Oh the despair of taking the known for granted. So here is a pic which draws attention to the everyday which I see on my walk with my husband and dogs.

the everyday flotsam
Oh and today there are two pictures because it’s not everyday you get to see such a beautiful man in the bath.

Ollie Pop